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Gold Colour Essence

  • Product Info

    Gold - Enhances a sense of connectedness and being part of a greater whole.



    Primrose - Relates to new beginnings in hostile environment. Tenacious, giving sweetly of itself in the depths of cold. Good for releasing fears to do with the environment.



    Bamboo - Centredness and balance through surrender. Brings an objectivity and an awareness of the inner and outer with flexibility. To realise that whatever is occurring is only passing through, that there is no need to identify.



    Amber - Encourages beauty and stamina. Helpful in working through the confusion to find what is true. Promotes mental clarity. Using the energy you have wisely. Amplifies the healing essence in a person and brings a sense of security. Very calming and stilling for the mind, bringing a sense of peace and connectedness.



    Gold - A great balancer of the heart chakra. Helpful in bringing things back to their own inner rhythm and state. Connects us with our inner tune. Good for feelings of desperation however they occur, but especially issues of self worth.


    General Effect

    Connectedness, being part of the greater whole. Searching and finding fulfilment and thus realising one's own inner worth. Why we are here and what we are here for. The way we are to do what we are to do.



    I invite the still small voice within. Inner tuition guides me daily.

    Beauty is my teacher.

    Breathing to the star I am, fills me with confidence and peace.



    2, plus 3 & 4

  • How to Use Color Essences

    The Colour Essences can be used in the bath or placed on the pulse points of your wrists or temples throughout the day whenever your colour energies need a top up.


Equilibrium 50ml


AEOS Organic Skincare

Aura-Soma®️Jewellery  "IRIS"

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