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IRIS #96 Archangel Raphael - Royal Blue/Royal Blue


    Clarity of perception and the higher energetics of being that we may bring the creative possibility into form.

    The intuition grows as I hear more clearly, see more clearly, taste more clearly. All that is hidden becomes clear


    Size : 16 mm in length, 9 mm in width, 5 mm in thickness

    Top : SV925 with Energizing Garnet

    Bottle part : Recrystallized Spinel, Color Cubic Zirconia 

    50cm Necklace or Hook (Brass)


    IRIS #96 大天使ラファエル - ロイヤルブルー/ロイヤルブルー

    知覚の明晰性と存在の 高次のエネルギーの質が、創造的可能性に 形をもたらす。

    より明確に聞き、より鮮明に見、よりはっ きりと味わうと直感が育ちます。隠れてい るものすべてが明らかになります。

Equilibrium 50ml
