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Olive Colour Essence

  • Product Info

    Olive - Confidence in the still, small voice in the depth of ourselves.



    Red Cedar - Often planted as a protective hedge. Thuja, assists in the assimilation of experiences and ideas. It can also help discrimination through the use of intuition.



    Olive - The olive tree gives us endurance and variety, maturity, perspective and peace. Quietly and slowly the steadfast gains. With patience we learn the value of being. It is not what we do but how we do it that makes the difference. Our motivation can help us to live each moment with compassion.



    Moldavite - Heightens the communication between all beings, so developing our intuition.



    Carbon - New growth, insight, new beginnings. Valuable for its ability to make connections. Helps us to develop through working together. We are carbon based beings - helps us remember we are beings of light as well. All matter is light vibrating at different frequencies.


    General Effect

    Balancing Yin and Yang. Assimilation, endurance, connectedness. The fears of the yellow are released and the light within the Hara may move towards enlightening the heart. The olive is that passage of the light towards an opening heart which results also from confidence in the still small voice within.



    Caring, warmth and sunshine are stronger than any wind or rain.

    The positive kindness endures. (Always follow through on acts of kindness.)



    3 and 4, plus 1, 7 and 8

  • How to Use Color Essences

    The Colour Essences can be used in the bath or placed on the pulse points of your wrists or temples throughout the day whenever your colour energies need a top up.


Equilibrium 50ml


AEOS Organic Skincare

Aura-Soma®️Jewellery  "IRIS"

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