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Organic Cotton Face Cloth (2 piece)


    AEOS 100% Organic Muslin Cotton Face Cloth. Used to cleanse the face and gentle enough for new born babies. When used with warm water as a compress before cleansing, it helps to relax skin and open pores for a deeper cleanse.When used with cold water as a compress after cleansing, the pores are closed to expel any remaining impurities and leave you with a clear complexion. Using a separate, clean cloth for your face helps to prevent bacteria cross-infection and ensure maximum cleansing occurs. Great for sensitive and acne prone skin types.

    クロスを使ってお肌を蒸し上げることによって、毛穴につまった汚れを浮き上がらせてくれます。 ほどよい大きさと、薄く折り重なった層の生地がお肌を優しく包みこみます。 ☆ 初めてお使いいただく前には必ず、手洗いや洗濯で糊を十分に落としてからご使用ください。
    ≪カラー≫ 生成り
    ≪サイズ≫ 縦:約29㎝×横:約29㎝

Equilibrium 50ml
