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Royal Blue Colour Essence

  • Product Info

    Royal Blue - Cleansing, centring, and calming.



    Forget-Me-Not - As the senses are heightened, so forget-me-not brings greater awareness, increasing memory, elasticity of thought and helping in the release of negative thought patterns.



    Fir - An evergreen develops trust in the cycles of time. Helps us with an understanding of the wisdom of the past. Offers us a vision with a clear perception of potentials and possibilities.



    Lapis - Cleansing, centring, calming, enriching. Enhances perception and communication.



    Platinum - Cools the more superficial. Can be helpful for the proud, withdrawn individual by helping them to a softer place of confidence where sharing is not threatening.


    General Effect

    Offers deep inner sight and is stimulating to the higher mind. Cleansing, Centring and Calming.



    My being and my actions are in harmony with all around me.

    Sensing the rhythms of the seasons within and without, I feel at peace.



    6 plus 2

  • How to Use Color Essences

    The Colour Essences can be used in the bath or placed on the pulse points of your wrists or temples throughout the day whenever your colour energies need a top up.


Equilibrium 50ml
