June14th-New Moon Meditation event with AURA-SOMA + Crystal Bowl Sound Healing (1)Morning 10am (2) N
Please come and join this special event on 14th June 2018 (Thursday)
- AURA-SOMA ®&Crystal Bowl sound healing collaboration event -
1. Morning - from 10am - 12:30
2. Night from 19pm - 21:30
Energy exchange Fees: SGD77/pax
*Pay by cash on the day
max. 20 participants
3. Personal Consultation between 13:30 - 18pm
30min $50 (WITH BOTTLE $110)
60min $100(WITH BOTTLE $150)
Venue : River Valley area (To be informed only for participants)
*Pay by cash on the day
max. 20 participants
Please email below by indicating your name. Please kindly note this is
the first come, first served basis.
<mail>: mail@theia-el.com
or send message from this web contact
Please enjoy the crystal bowl vibration,
the messages from Aura-Soma color bottles , and the planet on the day , other color energies and vibration of pomander, quintessences, and color essences.
Your body will be energized and you feel very refreshed and detoxing through the crystal sounds and colors from Aura-Soma.
Please bring your own big towel or yoga mat to lie down and just sleep during healing.
Masumi Nelson: Japan, is an experienced Crystal Singing Bowl practitioner and Lemurian Healer. She was recently invited to join to perform at Bali Spirit Festival 2017, which is one of the biggest spirit festivals in the world. She was invited to join a professional CD recording session in Japan in 2016 and has performed at Ise Shrine, the most ancient and powerful Shrine in Japan that is 2,000 years old. Masumi uses powerful Alchemy Crystal Bowls including the 528Hz frequency, the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer. These vibrations and resonance have power healing benefits.
Masumi has been learning Ancient music and brings the theory and spirit into her Crystal Singing Bowl practice. The sound and harmony she creates will connect you to Mother Earth, the Universe and your deep inner self, helping you to easily balance your Chakras and focus on your soul.
What makes Masumi unique as a Crystal Bowl practitioner is her use of the Lemurian Healing technique to bring the light into her sound.
Yoshie: THEIA EL / Director , Aura-Soma® L2 teacher (Reiki / Crystal Healing master)
Official Distributor in Singapore for AURA-SOMA products including Organic Skin Care AEOS, Organic Perfume PEGASUS, AURA-SOMA JEWELLERY .
Yoshie has 11 years experience as Aura-Soma practitionner, and has been teaching many courses: AURA-SOMA®Color Care System, 72 Angels courses, as well as conducted personal & Group Consultations on a regular basis.Yoshie has been teaching also traditional Usui Reiki courses, as well as crystal healing session.She has been organizing various workshops and other Holistic Healing in and out of Singapore, in countries like Thailand and Japan.
What is Aura-Soma® ?
You are the colours you choose
Colour expresses part of the underlying order of the universe and speaks not only through the natural world, but through all the levels of our human nature and being needs
With over 30 years experience Aura-Soma is a non-intrusive, self-selective soul system. Combining the energies of colour, plants, and crystals, these vibrational tools can support all levels of our being, bringing harmony and balance within the subtle fields promoting wellbeing and a joy for life.