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Developing Our Light Body



Developing Our Light Body

“In the tradition known as the Western Magical Tradition to know the name of something is to know the power of it. ‘Aura–Soma’ means ‘Light Body’ so when we work with Aura–Soma we are working with the light body and the implication of that is immense.

in 1983 Vicky was given the beginnings of a system to support the development of the light body. It was given from Spirit as something relevant to our time. Even to say ‘develop’ may not be the right word or the right expression.

The light body is already in a process of change and development so we are not doing it. Every tradition has a prediction for this time about the possibility of a more conscious age evolving. Light, consciousness and awareness are synonymous. This gift of Aura–Soma from consciousness itself has been given to aid the light body.

The first thing I read connected with Aura–Soma in 1983 was a little saying of Vicky’s calling people to come and do the training. What it said still touches me today as something really important. ‘For those who wish to remember themselves…come and see.’

It is very simple, it is the essence, the ethos that made Vicky want to share her baby with the world. Can you, in your own thoughts, your own feelings, your own being, find the relationship between the light body and that statement?

“ For those who wish to remember themselves…come and see. ”

To re–member means to pull together the parts: to bring together the members of the body. From the physical point of view the members of the body are the arms, the legs, the head and the torso. So there is a paradox: while in a state of remembrance of the light body we are in physicality; during the re–membering of the physical body a state of more lucid consciousness is arising. Another way of saying this is, when we remember that we are a star, a being of light, then at the same time we become aware of the sensations in the physical body, we remember that we have a body, and we notice the inner state of that body.

Connecting with our light body offers us greater consciousness which means we also notice our inner chemistry.

Re-membrance is therefore dependent upon the chemistry of the body and implies an alchemical process. Re–membering changes the body chemistry, the vibration of the body and is also dependent upon the inner state being stable and clear. Alchemy is the modification of the chemistry of the body through the process of pulling the parts together. We give ourselves back to ourselves in the application of the bottle.

We have a chance for the integration of the bottle by applying it to the body to remind the cells in the multicellular organism that we have become, of the original purpose (for incarnating), downloaded in the first cell.

‘For those who wish to re–member themselves.’

Another form of re–membering is to become conscious of the body parts and their activity or relaxation. Tensions, stresses, muscular holding within the body create the patterns in the life. Those patterns of tension within the physicality come from the condition patterns in relation to our parents, our peers and our societal influences.

These learned behavioural patterns and conditioning within our physicality do not just begin with this life. The patterns and conditioning, the muscular structure we sit within also come from the patterns of the ancestors that are locked into the genetic situation into which we have been born. Light or consciousness has entered the combined genetic pathway of the mother and the father, the grandmother and the grandfather and it is from within the midst of that conditioning that we have the opportunity to develop or become aware of the light body. Consciousness entering into physicality enters into the midst of those conditioned patterns so maybe the first step of re–membering is to learn how to relax.

How do we go beyond those conditioned patterns unless we learn how to relax? How are we to know which strings to pull or let go of, unless we bring attention, light or consciousness to the possibility of relaxation and remembering?

Babies do not have to be taught how to relax. They are able to let go of their arms and legs when falling asleep. Their breathing just comes and goes. By the time a child is five years old they have inherited some of the tension patterns from their parents as though they were inbuilt in the chemistry of the body. We become conditioned, taking on more tensions within us, the more we emulate and practice what our parents model for us in their daily habits and posture. Breathing is a learnt behavioural pattern. The shape of the breath within the body influences the nature of consciousness as it exists within our physicality.

Over the last fifty to a hundred years the bulk of humanity experienced the shock of being slapped on the back at birth in co–ordination with the breath entering the body for the first time. If that is the beginning of the breath it is going to be a very difficult thing to breathe properly. We are talking about relaxation, consciousness in relationship to physicality, the chemistry of the body and breath, the basic function which we totally depend upon for life.

If the beginning of that basic function is associated with shock then to re–member ourselves means to go beyond that to learn to relax, to feel the possibility of the breath breathing us. The vitality of the breath, of consciousness and of the light body is linked as a package of remembrance. It is one of the key factors in relation to our consciousness while we are in physicality. The breath in relation to consciousness, to light, to awareness is profound.”

“ We give ourselves back to ourselves in the application of the bottle. We have a chance for the integration of the bottle by applying it to the body to remind the cells in the multicellular organism that we have become, of the original purpose (for incarnating), downloaded in that first cell. For those who wish to re–member themselves. "

organism that we have become, of the original purpose (for incarnating), downloaded in that first cell. For those who wish to re–member themselves.

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